Important Update [ July 6, 2020 ]

K9 Coronavirus Response

Written by K9 Partners for Patriots

July 6, 2020

[July 6, 2020 : IMPORTANT UPDATE]

Because the COVID-19 situation in our community continues to change, we are reaching out to reassure you that the health and safety of our program veterans, staff, and volunteers remain our top priority.

Known risk exposure to Covid-19 has been brought to our attention at K9 Partners for Patriots. In an abundance of caution and per the CDC Public Health guidelines, we are suspending all classes and interviews, and closing the building again thru July 20th. We have included the CDC Public Health Guidelines below with links to useful resources.

We have notified everyone that’s been to the facility of their possible exposure to Covid-19. As before, our team will continue to work remotely under regular business hours.

Thank you for your continued support, patience, and understanding.

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