
Letters of Support

K9 Partners for Patriots is honored and humbled by the kind words from loyal supporters.

Support & Encouragement


Kind words of encouragement from local community organizations and individuals. 

Support & Encouragement


Letters of Support from our local congressional representatives.

Support & Encouragement


Comments made about the K9 Partners for Patriots Service Dog Training Program by respected military leaders.

Our nation is blessed to have warriors with the bravery and willingness to sacrifice all in the defense of our nation and way of life.

Few things are more devastating to a commander than to suffer the loss through suicide of a returned warrior. Our sacred national obligation to these brave men and women is that we heal their wounds, both physical and mental in the best and most proven methods possible. K9 Partners for Patriots stands out as a proven and cost effective program for saving the lives of veterans who would otherwise win for us; but lose for themselves. Support for effective programs to save our veterans is a moral and national imperative.

Brigadier General Ernest G. Talbert
USAF – retired

Service dogs play an important role for our recovering warriors...

and we have seen the positive results on this unique relationship that relieves the stress of daily life and allows veterans to experience the thrill and freedom of sailing with their best friend.

Paul Bollinger
Army Deputy Assistant Secretary for Energy & Partnerships

Our society is experiencing an era of national disgrace in its inability to positively impact the well-being of veterans who are suffering from Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI), and suicide. According to a recent RAND study, at least 20% of Iraq and Afghanistan veterans have PTSD and/or depression. Further studies have indicated that up to 50 percent of those suffering from PTSD do not seek treatment. Over 260,000 veterans from OIF and OEF so far have been diagnosed with TBI. Our Country is indebted to our veterans and must support all programs which provide success in treating this national disgrace.

I applaud innovative programs which are designed to achieve success in treatment of PTSD and TBI and eliminate the unacceptable number of suicides each year. I have become aware of one such program which is showing outstanding results. It is the K9 Partners for Patriots (K9P4P) program which is based on a proven approach and methodology designed to achieve the end goal of reducing the symptoms of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) and/or Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) using service dogs.

This program pairs veterans with rescued dogs and, following proper training and bonding, allows for a veteran’s successful reintegration to civilian life. K9P4P’s approach and methodology for service dog training has been proven and has shown great success.

The Veterans Administration of our country is in the business of implementing the words of President Abraham Lincoln,

“To care for him who shall have borne the battle and for his widow and orphan”.

It is our dutiful responsibility as Americans to support any program which is established and has experienced success in the treatment of our veterans with PTSD and TBI. Please join me in putting an end to these conditions under which our veterans are suffering the terrible loss of life which we witness through the rise in the number of veterans’ suicides.

Major General Donald L. Jacka
U.S. Army, Retired

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