USMC Veteran, Olivia & Service K9 Lilly
“My service dog, Lilly, has been able to help me be less isolated. She comforts me when I need it the most. I have dealt with numerous stressful issues while I have had Lilly. When going through those times, I can look at her, and she brings a smile to my face. I am able to go places that I would not have gone before. I have shorter panic attacks because of her. She simply has made me a happier person.”

This Organization Would Become My Family
“I was told by word of mouth about K9 Partners for Patriots from another veteran. I kept the pamphlet for years until I was ready to have a dog of my own. Little did I know this organization would become my family. I started the process while I was in school at the University of South Florida. I recently graduated (May 2023).
Having Lilly by my side has been a blessing. She has helped me to be able to go places when I struggled to do so on my own. Lilly has been a companion who has been able to comfort me through dark times. I have even become more confident in myself. In addition, I struggled with trusting others. Since having Lilly, I have seen an improvement. My life will forever be changed because of my sweet girl that K9 Partners for Patriots blessed me with.”