Congressman Bilirakis Visits K9 Partners for Patriots

Congressman Bilirakis, Col. Dave Apt (Ret), and Mary Peter

Written by Mary Peter, Certified Master Dog Trainer (CMDT)

December 9, 2020

On October 8, 2020, Congressman Bilirakis came to visit K9 Partners for Patriots accompanied by our Board Chairman, Col. Dave Apt (Ret).  This was the Congressman’s first visit to our facility. He wanted to meet some of our veterans and watch a training class.


Congressman Bilirakis Visits K9 Partners for Patriots

I had the opportunity to give Congressman Bilirakis a tour of the facility and explain the purpose of each scenario room we have in the facility, i.e., pet store, doctor’s office, and a small cafe. We were able to give him a demonstration of each training command that was taught for those scenarios.  The scenario rooms help to prepare our veterans in-house before they go out into the public to experience these situations.

Congressman Bilirakis watched a full class going through training and then stayed to talk to the class veterans afterward. He was amazed at all that was being taught and how well behaved all the dogs were.  He had the opportunity to meet the veterans and thanked each one of them for their service and let them know that his door was always open if they needed help.

Congressman Bilirakis, Col. Dave Apt (Ret), and Mary Peter with her dog Shasta
Congressman Bilirakis, Col. Dave Apt (Ret), and Mary Peter
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