Bufo Toad Florida Infestation Toxic to Pets

Bufo Toad Florida Infestation

Written by Jimmy Tatum

April 4, 2019

Discover why flea markets may not be the best environment for service dogs.

Learn about risks, distractions, and considerations for handlers.

1. Crowded Environment: Flea markets are often bustling with crowds, which can be overwhelming for a service dog. The dog may become stressed or anxious in such a busy atmosphere.

2. Distractions: Flea markets are filled with various sights, sounds, and smells that can distract a service dog from its duties. This could potentially compromise its ability to assist its handler effectively.

3. Unpredictable Behavior of Other Animals: Other visitors to the flea market may bring their pets along, which can lead to encounters with unfamiliar animals. This may pose a risk to the safety and focus of the service dog.

4. Risk of Injury: With so many people moving around and browsing items, there’s an increased risk of accidental tripping or stepping on the service dog, which could lead to injury.

5. Exposure to Unsanitary Conditions: Flea markets may not always maintain the cleanest environment, and the service dog may come into contact with unsanitary surfaces or substances.

6. Lack of Accommodation for the Dog: Flea markets may not be equipped to handle service dogs properly, such as providing suitable resting areas, water, or relief spots for the dog.

7. Potential Stress for the Dog: A flea market’s constant stimulation and unfamiliar surroundings could cause stress or discomfort for the service dog, which may affect its overall well-being and ability to perform its tasks.

Given these factors, it’s important for service dog handlers to carefully consider whether taking their dog to a flea market is truly necessary and in the best interest of the dog’s welfare and effectiveness in assisting its handler.

Bufo Toad Florida Infestation is Toxic to Pets.

Did you know that the Bufo Toad (Bufo Marinus) is extremely poisonous to dogs and cats? Did you know that the Cane Toad, also known as the Bufo Toad (Bufo Marinus) is an extremely poisonous amphibian and toxic to dogs and cats?

Bufo toads are infesting the eastern coast of Florida, and are especially prevalent after rainstorms.  The warm temperatures and frequent rains have spurred the Cane Toad into a breeding cycle. This overpopulation has killed both native wildlife and pets alike.  They have an almost endless food supply and will even eat food left out for your pet. There are pesticides available on the market or pest removal companies that can spray to deter any cane toads from infesting your yard.

When handled or threatened, the toad secretes a highly toxic milky substance from its large parotoid glands at the back of its head. This secretion can burn your eyes, may irritate your skin, and can kill dogs and cats if ingested.

Dogs are especially susceptible to their poison as it is absorbed directly through their mucous membrane if they lick the frog. These toads secrete a toxin that affects the heart. Avoid touching or picking them up to remove them from the area as the toxin can rub off on your hands and then be passed to your dog.

Symptoms of Bufo Toad Poisoning

Symptoms of Buffo Toad poisoning in pets include drooling, head-shaking, crying, loss of coordination, and, in more serious cases, convulsions. Be familiar with your pet’s normal gum color as their gums will often turn red. Veterinarians often use this as an indication of toad poisoning.


Treatment: If you suspect toad poisoning in your pet, get a hose and run water in the side of the dog’s/cat’s mouth, pointing the animal’s head downward so water isn’t swallowed. Rub the gums and mouth to remove the toxin. This treatment is usually successful but you should visit your veterinarian immediately.

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