Jimmy & Remington – Working Dog Wednesday

Remington - Working Dog Wednesday

Written by K9 Partners for Patriots

January 29, 2019

Hey humans of the internet!

My name is Remington.

I am a service dog and got my vest from K9 Partners for Patriots in May of last year. I love people, in fact my human says I have never met a stranger! The way to my heart is through scratching my ears! My favorite activity to date is sleeping in! Nothing is better than the feeling of my humans bed and comforter in the morning. If it wasn’t for having to go to work, I would stay in bed till lunch time! Squirrels, are not to be trusted… I am ever vigilant in my quest to chase off all of the furry intruders from my immediate vicinity. Obviously, I love chasing anything that moves and my favorite thing to chase is my squeaking ball, nothing beats a noisy toy! I often wait till my human is distracted watching a movie or on the phone to start squeaking it as loudly as possible – just to get his attention.

Handler: Jimmy

Branch of Service: Army, 9yrs

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