Ivonne and Wandy Working Dog Wednesday

Ivonne and Wandy Working Dog Wednesday

Written by Jimmy Tatum

March 19, 2019

Good Morning Bipeds!

My name is Wandy.

I love my mom with all my heart. We have a relationship of unconditional love. I have been with her since I was 13 weeks, and I turned 11 on March 11, 2019. I am so spoiled, but I am a good girl, I listen to everything mom says and I know when she needs me. I can feel how stressed she is sometimes but I am her special angel, and I know how to calm her right away. I have tons of toys, but my favorite is a little tiger that my mom gave to me years ago. I have played with him since I was a puppy and I still have it. I was really sick for a while, but my human took good care of me. She has my back the same as I had her’s when I was feeling stronger. Just like my Alpha, I am a fighter, and I am committed to beating this! Right now I am waiting for my handler to get the money for the radiation treatments that the vet says I need, then I will be back to being my energetic self chasing toys and checking on my Alpha.

Handler: Ivonne

Branch of Service: Army 

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